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Drying Sweaty Horses in Winter

November 12, 2019 2 min read

Winter Riding

Riding horses in the winter comes with a set of challenges. And riders know that one of the biggest ones is drying a sweaty horse after a cold ride. Because we don't want our horses to catch a chill, we have to spend a lot of extra time making sure they're dry. Another obstacle, if you use a blanket or sheet, is throwing it on a damp horse. Because we know this will only trap moisture on the skin, causing a new slew of issues.

"I absolutely love this product. I use it after riding to absorb sweat, in between baths, to treat and prevent sweet itch on my sensitive horses, in the winter as a bathing alternative, and as a daily preventative and to treat / prevent scratches on my feathered horses. You can use this product for both dogs and horses with ease. The light mint scent is pleasant. It is a staple in my training program and my Great Danes love it too ! I do not go anywhere without it and I always have my tack room stocked!"

Aubrey Burwell,Facebook Reviewer

How to Dry a Sweaty Horse in the Cold

The typical routine to dry a sweaty horse in the winter can vary. However, it typically includes extended cool out time, towel drying, and using a cooler to wick away moisture. Consequently, this eats up a lot more time. So, what if there was a way to cut down this time? All while ensuring your horse is dry AND protected from bacteria and fungus? Well, there is. It's called  COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER.

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How does COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER help dry a sweaty horse in the cold?

COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER is comprised of only five natural ingredients. Safe, moisture wicking, antibacterial and anti-fungal, they make for a perfect combo to help dry a sweaty horse in the cold. And there is no worry of removing the natural oils, or drying out skin. It is safe to use under a cooler to help dry even faster, while keeping the material clean and clear of bacteria or fungus. And another bonus? It's handmade in the USA.

Want to add COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER to your winter riding routine?

So, if you're ready to speed up drying your sweaty horse in the cold, protect your horse from fungus/bacteria, and improve your winter grooming routine, grab our Sweat Drying Bundle. It includes three containers of our COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER. A 16 ounce container for the barn, and a 64oz refill bag to keep you fully stocked! And it's only $109 with FREE shipping!

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CoatDefense Admin
CoatDefense Admin

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