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What Did Our Horses Predict For Groundhog Day?

What Did Our Horses Predict For Groundhog Day?

 Two (very) opinionated horses shared their thoughts with us about Groundhog Day. Read what they had to say!

Every year there is excitement and speculation surrounding Punxsutawney Phil and his Groundhog Day predictions, but what do horses think? We thought it was about time to ask!
We put on our boots and braved the cold weather to interview our equine friends Racer and Chaz. These two barn buddies were kind enough to share their thoughts about Groundhog Day and this year's transition into spring.
Here's what they had to say!



Chaz (left) and Racer (right)
have strong opinions about Groundhog Day


Racer and Chaz, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Let's start with your thoughts on Groundhog Day, in general.


"Sure, happy to be here! So, Groundhog Day. Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about. Why does a groundhog get to make the call? I mean, I go out in my field during turnout and once in a while I'll see groundhogs and moles or whatever, and guess what!?

They're always underground. You literally see their head for, like, a second, and they pop right back down into their cozy burrow. It's us horses that are watching the actual weather, standing out under the sky! Nobody asks us what we think. And we definitely don't get our own day. It's weird, Right, Chaz?"

"Totally agree. I don't understand Groundhog's Day at all. All these humans gather around and hold their breath, waiting for this critter to come crawling up out of his hole, acting like he knows everything and everything. The truth that nobody seems to want to admit is that groundhogs have no idea what it's like to stand out in the rain, snow, or hot sun, They have no understanding of weather, at all! Their opinions should not be trusted.

Horses, on the other hand, know things. We understand the outdoors. You could say we are weather experts, even. Especially compared to an underground rodent."

What would you tell people today if they were asking horses for a prediction instead of a groundhog?


"I'd tell them to be ready for anything! That's my motto!"


"Racer, the humans are asking if we have a prediction about whether we have six more weeks of winter. If the groundhog sees his shadow and runs back in his hole, there are six more weeks of winter. And if he doesn't see his shadow, it means an early spring is coming."

"That doesn't make any sense at all. If he sees his shadow that means it's sunny. As in, nice weather. As in, feels more like spring than winter."

"Yeah, I guess, but that's not the..."


"Plus, who wants to listen to an animal that flees from its own shadow? I mean, I'll spook at a flying garbage bag, sure. Any horse would. Except maybe my Uncle Robbie, he's on the police force. But my own shadow? No way. Sounds more like a chicken than a groundhog, if you ask me,"


"You totally have spooked at your own shadow, Racer. In fact, you do it all the time! Remember that cross country schooling we were on just the other week? You were cantering toward the ditch, and just started to..."

"We don't need to talk about that. What's the next question?"


Racer, you said we humans should be ready for anything. What did you mean by that?

"Well, we're talking about more winter, or a quick spring, right? So either more cold weather, or heading into warmer, but wet weather."

"I see where he's going with this. In winter our human has to dry our sweat off quick after exercise, because it's cold and she doesn't want us getting chilled. She uses this powder from Coat Defense, it dries us right up and keeps fungus away, too."

"Right. Exactly. And when it warms up, it gets muddy and rainy around here. Chaz here has had a lot of problems with rain rot in spring weather,"

"Uh, hello, you're talking about yourself, Racer. You're the one who used to get those nasty chunks on your hindquarters every year."

"That's not how I remember it. Anyway, Ever since our human got Coat Defense, Chaz hasn't had her gross rain rot issues. So, I would tell humans to be ready for cold weather skin challenges and warmer wet weather challenges by keeping Coat Defense powder on hand."

"It was definitely you with the rain rot. But yes, that powder helps a lot in all types of weather. In the summer it keeps sweet itch away. And helps Racer's bug allergies."

"You're the one with bug allergies!"

So, Racer and Chaz, any additional predictions for Groundhog Day?

"I predict that humans will finally figure out what scammers that Punxsutawney Phil and his ilk are!"

"Hopefully you're right. And I predict that our human will stock up on Coat Defense like she always does this time of year, to keep us sound and healthy!"

"I also predict that the opposite of whatever the groundhog says will happen, will happen!"

Thanks, Racer and Chaz!
What are your favorite uses for Coat Defense horse powder in winter and spring? Drop us a line and let us know!

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