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Spring is HERE! ... So is Mud Season

Spring is HERE! ... So is Mud Season
And with it - Fungus 


Now that the longer days are here, horse owners are ready for the warmer days and longer rides, more time out in the fresh air and the seemingly endless summer days. But at this point, those are day dreams, because first we have to get through one terrible season, some call it spring, but we call it mud season. And with it comes mud fever.

What is Mud Fever?

Mud fever is a catchall phrase for a variety of skin issues that arise in damp, muddy conditions. And rain rot shares the same characteristics, just typically on the back, withers or neck. The same bacterium, dermatophilus congolensis, causes both conditions, along with many others.

Here is the interesting thing about this bacteria, it’s in a family called actinomycetes. Actinomycetes behave like both bacteria and fungi. This is why the debate on how to treat mud fever lasted so long. Because it displays symptoms of both. Horses naturally have these organisms on their skin; they lay dormant until muddy, damp conditions cause them to flare-up.

How do you treat Mud Fever?

The solution to starving off this bacterium is to keep your horse’s skin dry. Sounds easy, right? But with constant rain and horses coming in and out, most pastures turn to mud pits. We rinse, and scrub, and dry in an endless cycle. But what if there was an easier way?


” Swelling and scabs gone in just a couple days! “

Kathy Schwartz, OH


COAT DEFENSE® is an all natural product line that only uses readable, recognizable ingredients. And when they're combined, become a powerful agent against equine skin issues. Handmade in the USA, it’s a simple, safe solution to equine skin problems.
It's used AFTER the skin is heavily inflamed or broken. The thick consistency creates a protective barrier and defends the skin cells from pathogens and moisture. Fungus and bacteria require moisture to survive and thrive. COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE provides the skin with a dry environment to enable healing, it continuously draws out moisture, and allows the body to repair damaged cells.

How does COAT DEFENSE® work to TREAT mud fever?

The ingredients in COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE work to keep moisture to a minimum, starving the bacterium of their food source. The paste dries to create a scab like barrier, keeping external agents out while still allowing the horse’s skin cells to safely repair themselves.

How does COAT DEFENSE® work to PREVENT mud fever?

By applying the COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER to legs before turn out, a barrier is created to help starve off bacteria and fungus. Rubbing it in down to the skin will help alleviate any existing irritation, and help prevent further scabs from developing.

You can see the results on a case of Billiam's chronic mud fever in the video below...



Nope. It can also be used on...

Scratches / cellulitis - Dries and Draws fungus, bacteria, and general inflammation allowing for dramatic results in 2-4 days
Summer / Florida Sores - Dries, Draws, and shrinks
Proud Flesh – shrinks and dries
Insect Bites - cools, calms and eliminates itch. Draws out poison and inflammation. Horses, Dogs, and especially people
Dog Hot Spots – Calms, cools, and the area becomes ignored while healing
Acne – as an overnight mask, the drawing properties have delighted many adolescents!
Poison Ivy - stops itch on contact and draws out ooze quickly and painlessly
Trouble Spot Drying Paste
Trouble Spot Drying Paste 269 Reviews
One Step wound care! This disinfects, dries, creates scab and protects wounds