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How to Treat Rain Rot on Horses

How to Treat Rain Rot on Horses

It’s that time of year. The fall/winter season when equine skin issues like rain rot begin to thrive on our horses. Some of us start throwing on turnout sheets to prevent the moisture buildup, rinsing and drying muddy legs, and applying all the things we can think of to treat rain rot. We all feel that pang of worry when we see a rainscald scabs begin to form. We start to get out the solutions, the scrubbers and the hose. Nonetheless, the rain rot scabs continue to grow, and we find our horse in a vicious circle of either limited turnout time, or a growing problem. So what causes rain rot? And is there anyway we can prevent rainscald from popping up on our poor horse every rainy season?

What is Rain Rot?

Rain rot comes from the bacterium, dermatophilus congolensis. This bacteria is in a family called actinomycetes, these little things act like both bacteria and fungi. Horses naturally have these organisms on their skin; they lay dormant until rainy, wet conditions cause it to flare-up. But, what if there was a way to keep this bacterium from flaring up and thriving when rainy season rolls around?



How do you prevent Rain Rot?

The solution to starving off this bacterium is keep your horse’s skin dry. One option is keeping your horse in all winter, but most of us know that this is a terrible idea unless we’re looking for a bucking bronco to tear down the barn. Another option is keeping on a turnout sheet, but this can trap moisture and could actually fuel the bacteria. So, we need to keep our horse’s skin dry, but how?
Well, lucky for horse owners, new products have hit the market that finally PREVENT and TREAT rain rot. It's called COAT DEFENSE®. And it's about to be your go-to grooming aids for keeping your horse’s skin clear and healthy during these rainy, wet months



“ We LOVE it!! It cleared up Gidget’s rain rot super fast! We've been using the powder as a preventative on Gidget’s back after rides and it has really kept the rain rot at bay. So it’s worth the purchase! “

LeeAnn Stone Johnson, Facebook Review


What is COAT DEFENSE®? And how does it PREVENT and TREAT rain rot?

COAT DEFENSE® DAILY PREVENTATIVE POWDER is used before the skin is broken. Sprinkle it on the rain rot, and watch it fall off. A healthy coat will start regrowing in no time. What does COAT DEFENSE® do that prevents and treats rain rot? It creates a drying environment, which prevents all bacterial and fungal growth. Simple as that, keep the skin dry, starve off the bacteria or fungi and prevent flare-ups. Check out the video below to see it in action..



What else can COAT DEFENSE® do?

In addition to treating rain rot, COAT DEFENSE® is an excellent dry shampoo. So when it’s too cold for a hose, a feat that is all too common during these gray months, you can use COAT DEFENSE® DAILY PREVENTATIVE POWDER!
Use under pads, wraps, boots, and blankets to prevent moisture, bacteria build up and odor for your indoor winter rides. Rub it in after a ride to help dry sweat. Use it on yourself as a natural deodorant. Or your dog to treat itchy hotspots. COAT DEFENSE®can help horse, rider, and other four legged friends!

COAT DEFENSE®is an all-natural solution with no harsh chemicals. While many other treatments contain unreadable ingredients that can actually cause harm to healthy skin, COAT DEFENSE® doesn't. It will aid in clearing up ailments, while nurturing healthy cells.




COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE is used AFTER the skin is broken, on open scabs or wounds. It creates a drying, drawing, and protective barrier that eradicates fungus and bacteria. This can be used for mud fever, scratches, cellulitis, wounds, bug bites and more.
If your horse deals with skin issues, whether occasionally or frequently, grab some COAT DEFENSE®and help them feel their best.

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