Coat Defense Paste for People

“Alexa found her way into a fire ant nest this morning. Trying to work my mare and suddenly I hear her hollerin' at a pitch that would have made Beyonce proud. She came out the otherside with a half dozen bites on her hands and arms, poor kid. Took her over to the vet box and slapped some @coat_defense on each bite, then my little cowkid was back to running the show here at the ranch.” - @heathens_and_horses, Instragram
When our skin has an immune response due to poison ivy, bug bites/stings, or any other inflammatory inducing incident, it can itch and burn, sometimes causing pain.
COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE works by drawing out the toxins that are irritating the skin and causing this reaction. The witch hazel provides a cooling sensation that relieves the area quickly, allowing us to feel better as the paste gets to work tampering the inflammation!
"While packing in the back country my bear spray went off in my face within 2 inches. As you can imagine I was on fire... I instantly wash my face and eyes, but after laying in the stream and splashing water in my eyes for a half hour, I realize that the pain was not going to go away. My girlfriend reminded me of the COAT DEFENSE® I had happened to put on her horse's leg the night before which brought the swelling down. I instantly went to my pack and put it on my face. Within two minutes the pain was completely gone. Just to get some perspective - Where I used the potion my burning stopped instantly and never came back the rest of my body burn for two days! This stuff is amazing!!" - Tamara
What can COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE be used for on people?
It seems everyday we hear from customers and our list continues to grow! But so far, we have had people use it on...
• Poison Ivy/Sumac
• Bug Bites/Stings
• Jelly fish stings
• Fire Coral stings
• Bear spray
• Wounds/Cuts
• Acne
• As a cleansing mud mask
"So I just want to let you know your Trouble Spot Paste works for poison ivy on humans. I've been slathering cortisone and calamine lotion on a patch on my arm (that's what I get for gardening) for the last 5 days before I thought of using my horse's remedy. Took away the itchiness immediately!"
“2 days keeping it covered with
COAT DEFENSE®. They said pain meds for 5 days and stitches out in 10. No meds needed so far and the Doctor said stitches out in 3 more days at this rate. HE’S FLOORED.”
- Natalie Broyles

“I can literally look at poison ivy or sumac and I will get it. I currently have COAT DEFENSE® on my foot, legs and both arms! The cooling sensation makes the itching stop and it’s SUCH a relief!” - Alyssa Fadden