Easy, Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Mud Fever in Horses

Natural Ways to Prevent Mud Fever
1. Minimize exposure to mud & moisture
Rotate paddocks to keep mud to a minimum, and keep your horse stabled with clean, dry bedding at night and when paddocks become mucky. Take care to groom daily and check your horse’s legs for early signs of problems. For horses prone to mud fever, clipping long hair can help keep moisture at bay.
2. Protect the skin before turnout
Use Coat Defense Daily Preventative Powder on your horses legs and body prior to exercise and turnout to create a barrier to moisture and help maintain your horse's natural skin protection. The all natural powder draws moisture away, helps keep Ph stable, and assists the skin's natural defenses. Shake the powder onto your hands, and rub onto your horse’s legs. Be sure to thoroughly coat the fetlock area, around the tops of hooves and behind the heel areas with powder.
3. Wash & dry legs after turnout
The mud that clings to your horse after exercise or turnout contains nasty micro-organisms, so it's important to wash mud and moisture from paddocks and arenas off without stripping your horse's skin of natural protective barriers. CD Clean Shampoo is specially formulated with all natural ingredients to support the skin and immune systems of horses, dogs, and even humans! Once your horse's legs are clean, dry thoroughly with a soft, clean, absorbent towel and apply a fresh coat of Coat Defense Daily Preventative Powder before bedding your horse down for the night.
Natural Ways to Treat Mud Fever
* note: For infections and severe cases, be sure to consult with your vet!
1. Remove excess hair
Clip away any excess hair or shaggy feathers to help keep the area clean and dry.
2. Gently wash the affected area (only with skin-friendly shampoo)
Gently wash the area with warm water and a small amount (pea size dollop for each leg) of CD Clean Shampoo. Unlike other shampoos and antibiotic washes, Coat Defense does not use any ingredients that strip the skin of necessary healing oils and good-bacteria biomes. Remember, we are not only trying to cleanse and heal - we are working to support the skin's natural barriers and prevent further problems! Avoid irritating the skin with cold water or harsh scrubbing.
3. Gently and thoroughly dry the skin
Gently blot dry with a clean, soft, absorbent towel. Don’t pick at any scabs.
4. Apply Preventative Powder
Once completely dry, apply Coat Defense Daily Preventative Powder all over each leg to draw away any remaining moisture and help maintain skin health.
5. Apply Trouble Spot Paste "like cream cheese on a bagel!"
Apply a liberal amount of Coat Defense Trouble Spot Drying Paste to any scabs, open sores, raw skin, and other irritated areas. Be sure the underlying hair is dry, as moisture can prevent the paste from sticking. Just schmear it on, like cream cheese on a bagel!
Repeat 2x Daily
Repeat this routine morning and night until you have achieved the desired results! Once symptoms have abated, continue to maintain optimal skin health with the preventative measures in part one.
Coat Defense is committed to helping your horse, naturally!
Thousands of horses have experienced fast relief from Mud Fever symptoms with Coat Defense products. Check out our reviews!
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