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Bug Bites on Horses

Bug Bites on Horses

Mosquitos. Horse flies. No-see-ums. Midges. All these little critters eating our horses alive, leaving tender welts, lumps, bumps, and swelling. These little flying demons making them itch like mad, running themselves into a frenzied sweat, and rubbing themselves raw just trying to get some relief.


When you apply COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE to bug bites, this is what happens…


  • Draws out toxins
  • Dries out the moisture bacteria and fungus feed on, and bugs!
  • Creates protective barrier bugs can’t penetrate
  • Allows skin cells to repair themselves



Here's a story from Jenee DeChant about spreading the news about how well COAT DEFENSE works.





Funk Free Bundle
Funk Free Bundle 269 Reviews
Signature Powder for Prevention, Paste for nicks, scratches, or itches