How to Treat Rain Rot in Winter

Freezing Temps. Endless Snow. Icy Pastures.
Rain Rot.

Treating rain rot on horses in the winter can be a struggle, but not anymore! WATCH as COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER takes it off INSTANTLY!

What is Rain Rot in horses?

Rain rot shares comes from a bacterium called dermatophilus congolensis. This bacteria is in a family called actinomycetes, these little things act like both bacteria and fungi. Horses naturally have these organisms on their skin; they lay dormant until rainy, wet conditions cause it to flare-up.

Rain Rot Before COAT DEFENSE®

Rain Rot Before COAT DEFENSE®

Rain Rot After COAT DEFENSE®

We LOVE it!! It cleared up Gidget’s rain rot super fast! We’ve been using the powder as a preventative on Gidget’s back after rides and it has really kept the rain rot at bay. So it’s worth the purchase!

LeeAnn Stone Johnson, Facebook Review

How do you treat rain rot in winter?

The solution to starving off this bacterium is keep your horse’s skin dry. One option is keeping your horse inside. But this simply isn’t an option for some horses. Another way to keep your horse dry is to use a turnout sheet. But this can trap moisture and could actually fuel the bacteria. Winter makes wet treatments for rain rot particulary difficult due to freezing temps.

So, we need to keep our horse’s skin dry, but how?

That’s where COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDERcomes in.

Our Funk Free Bundle includes a 10oz TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE and 24 oz PRO SIZE DAILY PREVENTATIVE POWDERto help alleviate all your fall ailments for only $49! The bonus? FREE SHIPPING!

Coat defense powder is wonderful! Last year it was a very rainy season the rain rot was bad! My vet said to remove the scabs and let it dry out. It didn’t work and it hurt him pulling off the scabs. Then this year I came across coat defense powder it killed the fugues quickly! Now I use it daily as a preventative treatment and it keeps it away. He also had scratches on his feet vet gave me antibiotic ointment that didn’t work so I tried the drying paste over night it dried up! I highly recommend these products! They are excellent!

Bonnie Belmonte, Facebook Review


COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER is the first DRY way to PREVENT and TREAT rain rot. It’s all natural, and made from only seven simple ingredients. It’s anti-bacterial, and anit-fungal, which will destroy existing fungal and bacterial colonies, or stop them before they erupt.

Rain Rot before COAT DEFENSE®

Rain Rot after COAT DEFENSE®

This product is amazing! Severe rain rot gone after one treatment!

Monica Marshall DC, Facebook Review

How does COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER work to treat rain rot?

COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDERstarves the bacterium of it’s food source. Remember, it needs moisture to thrive. The moisture on your horse’s skin. COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDERgets to work drying up this moisture, and the colonies die off. Because there are no harsh chemicals, this leaves only healthy cells behind. With the bacterium gone, and by using the COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER to keep them away,your horse’s skin can safely heal.

Ginger was rescued before she was sent to auction, she was malnourished with a horrible case of rain rot. With COAT DEFENSE® Daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER, it fell off instantly!

Is COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER only for rain rot?

Nope. COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDERcan help almost every equine skin ailment. It works by creating a healing environment where your horse’s immune system can do what it does best. Fight and Heal.  

I absolutely love this product. I use it in between baths, after riding to absorb sweat, to treat and prevent sweet itch on my sensitive horses, in the winter as a bathing alternative, and as a daily preventative and to treat / prevent scratches on my feathered horses. You can use this product for both dogs and horses with ease. The light mint scent is pleasant. It is a staple in my training program and my Great Danes love it too ! I do not go anywhere without it and I always have my tack room stocked!

Aubrey Burwell, Facebook Review

Here are some other great uses for COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER!

  • By using COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER under horse blankets, sheets, coolers, saddle pads and work boots, you can prevent bacteria build up, keep them smelling fresh, and protect against chafing
  • After rides to help dry up sweat, all while keeping bacteria and fungus away
  • On itchy, smelly dogs as a dry shampoo to keep them clean and comfortable between bathing, while also treating hot spots
  • On yourself, using the COAT DEFENSE® daily PREVENTATIVE POWDER as a deodorant to replace any aluminum based brands, on legs to slip on riding breeches, and in helmets to reduce sweat and rubbing on my forehead
  • It’s an excellent dry shampoo when it’s too cold for a hose

Our Funk Free Package includes a 10oz TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE and 24 oz PRO SIZE DAILY PREVENTATIVE POWDER to help alleviate all your fall ailments for only $49! The bonus? FREE SHIPPING!

Grab our Funk Free Fall Package that includes a 10oz TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE and 24 oz PRO SIZE DAILY PREVENTATIVE POWDERto help alleviate all your fall ailments for only $49! The bonus? FREE SHIPPING!